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Join the DTNI board of directors

To respond to a new development landscape, and in line with good governance, DTNI invites you to join its board of directors.

At DTNI we are entering into a very productive period of development and influence in which we can positively shape the policy and investment environment in favour of community development trusts. To support the delivery of existing and new programmes and expand the network, we remain committed to sustaining and developing our board and implementing the highest standards in organisational governance. Directors have a shared vision to deliver social and economic justice, and support the establishment of a development trust in every community that wants one.

As the network for community development trusts, DTNI continues to advocate for them and help shape the policy environment on their behalf. Despite the challenges in delivering the NI Executive’s policy framework on the transfer of public assets, we continue to make progress. More community and voluntary organisations in NI are pursuing asset acquisition, to strengthen their own sustainability and broaden the range of services provided to their users.  We continue to stimulate interest in asset ownership, and support applications to the Community Ownership Fund.

DTNI leads the agenda on Community Wealth Building (CWB) in NI. We are successfully challenging how the public sector uses its land and property, how it commissions and procures services, and how it invests in the work of our social enterprises.  We have concluded a major research programme and issued several publications for public, private and social partners, supplemented by five advisory papers which establish the policy case for investment and legislation going forward.

We can confidently state that central government has committed itself to our collective development agenda, on public service delivery, on ownership, on regeneration, on rights, and on local economy.

We are looking to add to our pool of knowledge and experience in the areas of governance, economic development & regeneration, finance & investment, business planning, public policy, community & spatial planning, asset-led development, and community rights.

Download a nomination form

Download notes for potential board members

If you would like to discuss anything further, contact