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The SuNSE programme is now closed. Thank you to all programme participants, partners, and mentors for making it a success. The workshops and presentations are still available to watch and download by clicking on the tab above. For more information on the Europe-wide SuNSE programme, click on the 'SuNSE Resources' tab above.


Who can apply?

Anyone interested in setting up a business as a social enterprise.

What support is provided?

Business advice.
Networking with other social enterprises and individuals interested in setting up a social enterprise.
Access to online SuNSE resources.
Access to a network of social enterprises from the North-West Europe area.

How long is the programme?
What is my time commitment?

Access the material at and work through it at your own pace. Alternatively, attend a Social Enterprise Hub or one of the workshops and networking events that will be held across the LCCC area. The time commitment is up to you.

Is there a cost?

No cost. It’s free to all participants.

What happens at the end?

All participants on the programme will be signposted to other appropriate business programmes and events.

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