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Startup Trusts

We can assist community organisations in exploring the development trust approach and can support emerging development trusts to become established.

We facilitate discussions with community meetings, steering groups etc about the benefits of the development trust model and how to go about setting one up. We can access case studies and share learning experiences from other communities across Northern Ireland and indeed from across the UK networks.

Information on the key steps and issues involved in starting a development trust includes:

  • choosing an appropriate organisational structure;
  • advice on how to motivate, consult and involve the local community;
  • funding information;
  • exchange visits and other networking opportunities;
  • training opportunities.

The Pool is a new style of consultancy from Development Trusts NI.

It draws on DTNI’s very special asset: the wealth of grassroots expertise and knowledge of community-led regeneration, asset development and community enterprise within its members, staff and wider contacts.

Across Northern Ireland we can provide the support communities, third sector organisations and public sector organisations and others need to make community-led regeneration and enterprise a thriving reality.

Thanks for your support – now let’s start building community wealth!